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With The New Year Comes New Challenges

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. CORRECTION: Thanks To All Gift Donors and Volunteers We sincerely apologize that last month’s update included an incomplete list of our generous donors during Christmas With Dignity. We are so eternally grateful for their gifts that we want to acknowledge ALL of them and would never intend to forget anyone: BALLY SPORTS NORTH WISCONSINBLACK SHEEP PIZZACrossFit SISUDISCOVER CHURCHEAGLE BROOK CHURCHEDEN PRAIRIE COMMUNITY CHURCHEMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH – INVER GROVE HEIGHTSEXECUTIVE CONNECTIONSFORTE REAL ESTATE PARTNERSGOOD SHEPHERD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHHERITAGE CHRISTIAN ACADEMYHOLMES CORPLIBERTY PACKAGING – TWIN CITIESMACKIN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESNORTHEAST BANKQ CONSULTING™RIVER VALLEY CHURCHSALVATION ARMY PLUS TOM & TRUDI CANFIELDSCHEELSST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCHTARGETTRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCHWESTGATE CHURCH Urban Learning Center Updates We took the students sliding at Theodore Worth Park and they had a blast on Friday 1/13 as part of our Fun Fridays. Weather was perfect. Snow was great and everyone had a wonderful time. Each day in chapel the kids join in prayer for each of their families’ communities and Hospitality House based on John 15:7. Here are some of our students enjoying their Loaves and Fishes bag dinners. They are great. And they really enjoy it every week! Life On Purpose Classes This answers the question

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