Education, Athletics, and Community Outreach in North Minneapolis

A North Minneapolis non-profit focusing on the development of inner city youth and their families

At Hospitality House, we are taking the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously... be aware that we're not currently offering all our programs and when you visit our facilities be prepared to sign in, get your temperature checked, and wear a mask...

Our Mission

Hospitality House Youth Development provides a Christian outreach, focused on the spiritual, intellectual and physical development of inner city youth and their families.

Our Vision

By opening doors of opportunity, at-risk youth will be equipped to lead with integrity, broken families will be restored, and our North Minneapolis community will be rebuilt.

Our Values

Inspired and guided by a strong Christian focus, Hospitality House Youth Development is a caring community that has high expectations, provides significant support and helps its young people to discover and develop their interests and talents.

Character Development​

Hospitality. Honesty. Humility. Honor. Harmony. Hard Work. Heart for God.

Current Events

Spring Break College Tour

On March 30 – April 5, we will be taking a select group of middle and high schoolers on tour to three historically black colleges and universities.

Current E-Newsletters

May God's love, peace, and joy surround you and your loved ones this Christmas and throughout the coming new year. See how Christmas with Dignity went this year and a special visitor...
At Hospitality House Youth Development, we encourage our youth to practice gratitude and compassion for others. We are truly grateful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us...
Each day at HHYD we seek to encourage our youth to reach their full potential, to not be limited in their thoughts or by the thoughts of others, so that they may experience all the good that God has in store for them...
Current Programs


Designed to improve students’ proficiency in both reading and writing on state standardized testing.

basketball in north minneapolis


Hospitality House offers young men and women from the North Minneapolis community a safe place to gather, play ball, and learn about healthy lifestyles and teamwork.

Community Outreach

Hospitality House exists as outreach to the North Minneapolis community in so many ways.

Video Gallery
Photo Gallery
north minneapolis non-profit focusing on the development of inner city youth and their families

Partner With Us

Is your business, church, or organization looking to give back to North Minneapolis? Join us in any capacity that you’re able…

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Fall Banquet Fundraiser

Date & Time: November 3, 2024 5-8pm
Location: Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom