Online donations to Hospitality House Youth Development may be made through Network for Good. Network for Good is a secure-site online giving system approved by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance.
By clicking on the yellow “Donate Now” button, you will leave the HHYD site to go to the secure Network for Good site. There you will also have access to information about our organization’s mission and finances.
Network for Good is the entity that will provide you with a printable receipt for your tax-deductible donation via email, shortly after you make the donation.
Your support of Hospitality House is greatly appreciated by the youth and families of North Minneapolis.

Donate By Phone
To make a donation by phone, please contact our Finance Director at:
612-522-4485 ext. 10

Donate By Mail
To make a donation by mail, please address your envelope exactly like this:
Hospitality House Youth Development
PO Box 11008
1220 Logan Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN

In-Kind Giving
Hospitality House gratefully accepts in-kind donations from corporations as well as individuals.
View our Wish List
We request that you call and speak with staff to make arrangements.
Call: 612-522-4485 ext 10.
Hospitality House Youth Development is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible.
Download: Donor Privacy Policy

Planned Giving

One way to easily maximize your gift to Hospitality House Youth Development may be through a company “matched” giving program. Employers that offer such programs as additional means to increase support to non-profit organizations may match employees’ charitable donations dollar for dollar or may contribute up to a certain dollar amount as a way to enhance or “match” their employee’s gift.

Event Sponsorship
We’re regularly looking for sponsors for our major events throughout the year. Please contact Walter Cox wcox@hhyd.org for inquiries and current sponsorship levels…

Needed Supplies
Hospitality House is grateful for the opportunity to provide in person programming for our students this summer! In the afternoons we will be doing a variety of science, art, spiritual, and cooking activities with students. We are in need of different supplies to help create a safe and engaging environment this summer.
Please consider purchasing from our Wish Lists to help make our students’ summer the best yet! To purchase click the following two buttons for Summer Spot school supplies list or our First Aid list:
Hospitality House Youth Development is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Hospitality House is an Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability® (ECFA) accredited organization.
Download: Donor Privacy Policy