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The Resurrection says, you can put the Truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there!

“For if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we will certainly also be united with Him in a resurrection like His.”Romans 6:5 NIV During Resurrection week at HHYD we taught the youth about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it meant personally for each of us. Spring Break – Kids Club During our kids club on April 6, the younger kids went to a movie and we had a fire truck and recycling workshop with the Minneapolis Fire Department, including Assistant Fire Chief Melanie Rucker, the Minneapolis Police Department, including Police Chief Brian O’Hara, and a special guest Rusty Recycling. Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara Popsicle Sticks Bridge Building Winners Community Gardens Ready To Go 3-on-3 Basketball 3 on 3 Basketball tournament was a community builder hosted by Ascension School. HHYD had about 10 players involved with our very own staff member Victory George helping put on the event. HHYD middle school team won the championship. HHYD high school took the consolation prize. RSVP for the Business Breakfast Our next fundraiser, the annual Business Breakfast is coming up on Thursday, May 18, 2023. This year’s guest speaker is Inspector Charles Adams from

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