The Resurrection says, you can put the Truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there!

Share with your friends:

“For if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we will certainly also be united with Him in a resurrection like His.”
Romans 6:5 NIV

During Resurrection week at HHYD we taught the youth about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it meant personally for each of us.

Spring Break – Kids Club

During our kids club on April 6, the younger kids went to a movie and we had a fire truck and recycling workshop with the Minneapolis Fire Department, including Assistant Fire Chief Melanie Rucker, the Minneapolis Police Department, including Police Chief Brian O’Hara, and a special guest Rusty Recycling.

Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara

Popsicle Sticks Bridge Building Winners

Community Gardens Ready To Go

3-on-3 Basketball

3 on 3 Basketball tournament was a community builder hosted by Ascension School. HHYD had about 10 players involved with our very own staff member Victory George helping put on the event. HHYD middle school team won the championship. HHYD high school took the consolation prize.

RSVP for the Business Breakfast

Our next fundraiser, the annual Business Breakfast is coming up on Thursday, May 18, 2023.

This year’s guest speaker is Inspector Charles Adams from the Minneapolis Police Department’s 4th Precinct.

And we just got word that we’ll be receiving a Challenge Grant of up to $37,000!

Please considering blocking out a couple hours the morning of May 18th to help the youth of Hospitality House.

Employee Spotlight

Clara ‘Missie” Mothershed

I grew up in North Minneapolis a few blocks away from Hospitality House. I have one son who is currently serving in the US Army and a Grandbaby, Sophia. I am an HH alumna, and I liked the fact that we were cared for and nurtured in our faith, traveled, and learned the value of volunteerism. I even played my favorite sport at HH, which is football. We played Flag football.

My role at HHYD is the Development Director. I like working at HHYD because it gives me the opportunity to work in the community and at the place that has shaped me into the person I am today.

The best piece of advice I would give to teens is to stay true to yourself, but always look to God and the scriptures to confirm who you are. My mom told me, “don’t let anyone pick your shade tree.” Meaning don’t always follow your friends, be a leader.

I like Gospel and Old School music. I am looking forward to enjoying life this summer and seeing what God has for me. But my wish would be travel to Florida to see my son, Eric and my Yaya baby (granddaughter) Sophia who is going to be 9 years old soon.

Favorite quote:
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein

My favorite scripture:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not parish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Would you or someone you know like to work at HHYD?

Did you know Hospitality House is hiring? HHYD is always looking for high-quality candidates to join our team.

We’re currently looking for:
Education Director

If you or anyone you know might be interested, please share this link to the job descriptions:

Recent Site Visits

March 30 – Pastor Erik Poch, Hosanna Church

April 3 – Captain Sean Thomas, Minneapolis Fire Department

Interested in a Site Visit? Contact Walter Cox, Development Officer or 612.522.4485 ext. 19


Hospitality House is looking for new volunteers. Would you like to get involved? Do you or do you belong to a church, company or other organization that would like to learn more? Want to tutor a student in math or reading? Are you good at coaching? Do you like to write or make phone calls? Do you like to help plan events? What is your God given talent you would like to share?

We would love to hear from you! Call 612.522.4485 or apply online today…

Upcoming Events

May 18, 2023 – Business Breakfast
Summer 2023 – Women’s Luncheon
Fall 2023 – Annual Banquet
December 8, 2023 – Christmas With Dignity

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