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It’s Not Too Late for you to see what HHYD is doing!

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 Watch the full replay of our Breakfast event here: Please take a look at our 11th annual Business Breakfast that took place on Thursday May 18, 2023. Our theme was “COMMUNITY”, about which Inspector Charlie Adams of the 4th Precinct delivered a great message. As of now we have nearly $165,000 in donations! Last year our total was $150,000 so we are well above that with more expected as several guests took their pledge sheets home. So a special thank you to all of our guests and supporters who attended in person and in spirit. It was an amazing event made possible by supporters and our wonderful Lord. To our event sponsors: Impact, Tradition Bank, Ryan Companies, Cornwell Companies, Green Wealth Management, Liberty Diversified Inc, and Northeast Bank – We thank you for helping us kick this event off. To Rahri and Great Grandma Helen – Thank you for sharing a little of your life. (presented in video) There is still a need for more donations to continue growing the ministry. Please consider giving today. Super Students Super

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