Summer Spot Summer School Greatness
This year 112 students were enrolled in our Summer Spot summer school program. In addition to making academic progress, our students had an opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities including cooking, swimming, fishing, rocket building, pickleball, and field trips to Sea Quest. It was a busy, fun-filled summer!

Chad Greenway Camp – Summer School
Former Minnesota Viking Chad Greenway again hosted a football camp at Hutchinson High School on Friday, July 29. A busload of HHYD kids attended the camp to learn a variety of football skills including catching, kicking, passing, and running.
They also learned teamwork and sportsmanship, while having the opportunity to meet other kids from around the state. Upon their return to HHYD they were treated to a meal from Starland Charities who also donated school supplies. We are so grateful for these partnerships and we look forward to participating again next summer.

Dunwoody College Visit – Teen Program
HHYD teens visited Dunwoody College of Technology‘s School of Design to learn more about the projects, machines, and activities that their students are involved with, as our teens begin to think about life beyond high school. We appreciate and thank the team at Dunwoody for providing the tour. Support our teen program today.

Save the Date – Annual Fall Banquet
Our Annual Fall Banquet is coming up quickly! Please mark your calendars for Sunday evening, October 23, 2022 at the Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom.
More details to follow soon on our Banquet page. RSVP now.

Employee Highlight – Odis Turner

Meet Odis Turner. Odis administers our reception desk to provide building security, and he also serves as a substitute teacher. He grew up and resides in North Minneapolis and he is an HHYD program alumni. When asked what he liked about HHYD growing up he said “As a kid I liked playing basketball and football a lot but I also enjoyed being able to interact with my peers that were going there”. He finds his current role interesting because he enjoys interacting with the youth and studying how their generation thinks and acts. Odis is a dog owner, and he enjoys designing clothes, graphic arts, and learning about fashion and marketing psychology. He likes house, gospel, and soul music. He plays basketball, tetherball, and enjoys watching and learning martial arts.
His favorite verses are from 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 and a favorite quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson is “The wise man in the storm prays to God not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear.” Odis says the best piece of advice he received went something like “don’t be afraid to fail” or “you have to fail before you succeed.” His advice for teens today is “Take your time and enjoy your youth in a safe way. Take risks. Stop caring about what others think. Your relationships with your elders are more important than you realize”. Spoken like a wise man indeed. Thank you Odis for all you do at HHYD!
Tom Madsen – Trinity Lutheran Church of Minnehaha Falls
Former Minnesota Gopher basketball player Reggie Lynch
Interested in a Site Visit? Contact Walter Cox, Development Officer and Grant Writer or 612.522.4485 ext. 19
Hospitality House is looking for new volunteers. Would you like to get involved? Do you or do you belong to a church, company or other organization that would like to learn more? Want to mentor a student in math or reading? Are you good at coaching? Do you like to write or make phone calls? Do you like to help plan events? What is your God given talent you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Contact Matt Kirk, Volunteer Coordinator at or 612.389.1396.
Fall Banquet – Sunday, October 23
Christmas with Dignity – Friday, December 9