But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where He lay.”
Matthew 28:5-6 (ESV)
On Saturday, April 2 a group from Hospitality House which included Rev. Hunter, Annette Bittner and some teens participated in the Shining Lights Fundraising Event. The event included making sandwiches for Mr. Law “The Sandwich Man” to personally pass out in Minneapolis over the remainder of the weekend to people in need.
A total of 1,200 sandwiches were made! In conjunction the event also raised money for Hospitality House and Edina Give and Go. We are excited to have a new community partner in WizEducators! A fun morning was had by all! Please watch the video recap compliments of WizEducators.
On Monday, April 4, during Spring Break, we took a group of middle school students and one high school student to Bethel University. Our day included a tour of the campus, Chapel, lunch and a presentation from an admissions counselor. The group from HHYD was treated well and blessed to have President Ross Allen join us for lunch, including two of his staff who invested their time to hang out with the kids.
They helped the students see what can be for their futures. We received so many compliments on how well our students behaved. The Bethel visit coordinator even said that she has had other middle school students visit and they were not as well behaved as the group from Hospitality House and continued to say she would love to partner with us in the future to bring more students out to visit Bethel…and we intend to!

Bringing Easter blessings to the Northside community. We feel so grateful to again partner with Hy-Vee and the Minneapolis Police Department to be the site for the ham give-a-way. 500 hams along with toiletries and other household items were given away on Monday, April 11.
Hospitality House welcomes Inna Drozdov! Inna is the Kindergarten and First Grade teacher. She is looking forward to getting to know the students and staff more at Hospitality House and having her first summer here. Inna’s quote is “Prayer is the key that God has given us to unlock all the power to Heaven!” by Priscilla Shirer.
The advice she would like to give the kids is, “You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try to be the best YOU! Trust that God has created you perfectly, and embrace it!”. Inna lives in Woodbury with her husband and golden retriever Frankie and cat Nala. She is a junior at University of Northwestern where she is studying Elementary Education and Communication Arts and Literature Education for middle school. We are so grateful to have you join the team! Welcome Inna!
We are excited to announce that we are getting ready for our Summer Spot program. Summer Spot will begin Tuesday, June 21 and ends on Friday, August 12. The program is 8-weeks long. Students attending Summer Spot come for an 8-hour day, which includes breakfast and lunch. The first portion of the day is academics which helps students maintain their math, reading and writing skills so that they do not fall into the summer slide.
The second half of the day is filled with fun activities such as field trips to local water parks, the zoo, Base Camp, and local and out of state ministry groups come to volunteer their time and talents with the students. The investment per student to attend Summer Spot is $300. If you would like to make a gift donation to sponsor a student, you may do so at https://hhyd.org/donate/
Thank you for your support of our Summer Spot program!
Pauline Lacher and Scott Anderson, Eagle Brook Church
Marla Helseth, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
Pastor Neil Eukel, Ridgewood Church
We would like to give a special thank you to Eagle Brook Church for their kind and generous gift to Hospitality House during their site visit. We are very grateful to them for their outpouring of love and blessings to the youth we serve.

Interested in a Site Visit? Contact Walter Cox Development Officer and Grant Writer wcox@hhyd.org or 612.522.4485 ext. 19
Hospitality House is looking for new volunteers. Would you like to get involved? Do you or do you belong to a church, company or other organization that would like to learn more? Want to mentor a student in math or reading? Are you good at coaching? Do you like to write or make phone calls? Do you like to help plan events? What is your God given talent you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Contact Matt Kirk, Volunteer Coordinator at mkirk@hhyd.org or 612.389.1396.
Our Annual Business Breakfast theme is Hope.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.”
Romans 15:13
The date is set for Thursday, May 19 at the Edina Country Club featuring guest speaker Chad Greenway.

Business Breakfast – Thursday, May 19
Women’s Luncheon – Wednesday, June 29
Alumni Gathering – August
Building Bridges Through Basketball – TBA
Fall Banquet – October
Christmas with Dignity – December