“A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.”
Luke 23:27-28
Black History Night Celebration
On February 27th HHYD held it’s Black History event, celebrating Our History, Families, and Youth. The program included homemade food by staff and desserts by HHYD Board Members (who served the food). The staff and youth performed poetry, a dance routine, and a song.

Poetry by our HHYD children

HHYD Dance team performing at the HHYD Black History program

We are strong

Board Member Paula Larsen serving dinner at HHYD Black History program

Greg Serviss Board Chair serving dinner at Black History program
(Photos by LAYBACK VIBE)
We were joined by our Community Partner, JE Dunn’s Black Employee Resource Group who presented Charles Moses, HHYD Executive Director with a check in the amount of $2500. JE Dunn’s message to the children was/is “I am Black history, each of you are Black history” and that there is room for you in the construction field. What a wonderful Community Partner we have in JE Dunn. THANK YOU!

Pictured: Kory Shingles, Lisa David, Missie (HHYD staff), Charles (HHYD Executive Director) and Esmeal Sheriff.
The 11u basketball team is in the playoff tournament and won their first game…. GO HHYD TEAM!

The 14u basketball team had an undefeated season until the playoffs and lost a tough game in the semi-finals.

HHYD Dance team

Special photos from photographer Troy Scott Flowers at one of our games on March 14:

Super Student of the Month Celebration
March SUPER STUDENT of the month!
CONGRATULATIONS to each of our students on making SUPER STUDENT of the month! The benefits of successfully completing their homework and spiritual journals while attending HHYD was a Raising Cane’s chicken dinner this month.
Once again the students were successful in the month of March!

Mr. Jonas during the Young Builders and Designers Convention at Kenny Elementary.
Thank you Northeast Bank
On Feb 20 Our Community Partner Northeast Bank presented HHYD with a check for $3000. Thank you Northeast Bank for your continued support.

Pictured: Sue Sjoselius, Director of Risk Management & Marketing and Missie Mothershed, HHYD Development Director
Timberwolves Game
Thank you Naz Reid and the Minnesota Timberwolves:
On Feb 24, Naz Reid, no. 11 of the Minnesota Timberwolves, invited 30 HHYD youth, parents, and staff to the game against the Nets. The T-Wolves where victorious 86-101. Naz gave the children t-shirts, met with us after the game, and the children got to ask him questions and take a group picture. They even announced that Naz had invited us to the game and flashed the HHYD Logo on the jumbotron. Thanks Naz and the T-Wolves for the great time!

Save the Date
Our annual Spring Business Breakfast fundraiser is planned for Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 7-9am, once again at the Edina Country Club. The theme is “Changes” and we will get to hear from our Executive Director, Charles Moses.
Please mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

Church Spotlight
The year after Minnesota officially became a state in 1858, Prairie Community Church (PCC) planted a church in Eden Prairie (I wager that’s older than any linoleum you have in your church). Formerly, the Eden Prairie Presbyterian Church (EPPC), they began as a fellowship for farmers who were transforming the frontier prairie. The church moved around in the area but kept their goal the same, “to invite people into a biblical community to become transformed followers of Jesus Christ.”

PCC has been a partner of HHYD for over 20 years and is one of our most faithful monthly donors. Norm Scott has been our liaison for many of those years and is a close brother in Christ. He heads up a mission team at the church who continues to promote HHYD and signs up new members to volunteer at our Christmas With Dignity (CWD) event.

“We love the ‘dignity’ aspect of the CWD event”, says Norm. “It’s so good to see the joy and pride in the smiles of those inner-city parents as they shop and pay for all those toys. It’s not a hand-out, it’s a hand-up and just a really good deal!”

Norm is retired now but practiced dentistry in Kansas for the armed services and later at the University of Minnesota. Norm has four adult children and nine grandkids who live in Shakopee, Chicago, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles. They enjoy biking, hiking, cross-country skiing and paddleboarding. Norm also enjoys photography and serves as the family historian.
Board Spotlight
My name is Paula Larsen and I currently serve on the Board of HHYD and the Development Committee. My late husband Ernie and I ran a recovery counseling business. Ernie was a counselor at Mercy Hospital and wrote books, trained counselors and spoke at conferences around the world while I took care of the business behind the scenes.

Ernie met Rev. Johnny Hunter in 1995 while serving at the Salvation Army. Ernie encouraged Rev. to start his Recovery Church and Ernie attended services there and served dinners for 13 years. Rev. invited us both to the Spring Breakfast where we heard the late Dr. Theresa Foster, Director of Education, give a very moving talk and we were hooked!
I fell in love with our Christmas With Dignity event and it’s been a joy to lead the team each year. We have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren who live in Eden Prairie and Woodbury and they all get involved. We enjoy working with the Board and staff. When our families leave with toys they have bought for their kids, our joy is complete.
I once expressed my surprise to Rev. that there were no women on the Board and he responded, “Well, there could be.” I ended up joining the Board in 2012 and now there are 3 women on our Board.
I also serve at St Joan of Arc Catholic Church where I participate in their “Arm in Arm” mission to Africa where we build relationships with the kids. I support their emergency housing and Loaves and Fishes food truck ministry for the homeless. The food truck now stops at HHYD where everyone comments on how respectfully our kids behave.
The most important thing I’ve learned at HHYD is how to be a better prayer warrior. A group of our leaders pray each Wednesday morning and we experience such a great unity in God’s Spirit. We are different but we all boldly pray for protection and provision for our families. We want our children to know that they are loved by Christ and how special they are. My involvement with HHYD has also taught me a lot about organizing events. They have been a great opportunity to live out our name with hospitality and they have consistently shown us God’s great provision for HHYD.
Would you or someone you know like to work at HHYD?
Did you know Hospitality House is hiring? HHYD is always looking for high-quality candidates to join our team.
We’re currently looking for:
Education Director
If you or anyone you know might be interested, please share this link to the job descriptions: https://hhyd.org/job-opportunities/
Site Visits
Interested in a Site Visit? Contact Walter Cox, Development Officer wcox@hhyd.org or 612.522.4485
Hospitality House Youth Development is looking for new volunteers. What God-given talent would you like to share?
- Tutor a student in math or reading
- Coach a basketball or baseball team
- Plan events
- Invite a group from your church, company or organization
We would love to hear from you! Call 612.522.4485 or apply online today.
Upcoming Events
May 16, 2024 – Spring Business Breakfast
Summer 2024 – Women’s Luncheon
October 2024 – Annual Fall Banquet
December 13, 2024 – Christmas with Dignity