And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24–25
Sports at HHYD
Congratulations to all HHYD Basketball teams! It’s about COMMUNITY!
Fun, Food, Awards, and Fellowship!
On March 21st, we hosted a banquet and celebrated our Basketball teams with their families. We served the families food and presented trophies, which the children loved. We also loved seeing their faces when the coaches honored each child and told them why they were important to the team.
CONGRATULATIONS, “We are all winners in Christ” 1 Cor 15:57

April Super Students of the Month
We honored students (not all pictured) who met the requirements of Super Student of the Month. They attended classes regularly, wrote in their spiritual journals, and completed schoolwork.

“Feels good to be outside” said one of the children. The children always enjoy playing outside on the HHYD playground.

Ms. Raine’s 5th grade class is creative.

Employee of the Month
Last month, Charles, HHYD Executive Director, started a Traveling Trophy award for the HHYD staff. The March recipient was Odis Turner, 3rd-grade Teacher (not pictured). Odis was allowed to choose his successor, and he graciously chose Chris Davis, Director of Teens and Athletics, for this prestigious award.

Thank you, Odis and Chris, for your dedication to the children of HHYD!
Community Support
Hospitality House Youth Development opened the doors to our beautiful gym for Mount Vernon Baptist Church’s annual community event. Our children got involved and were rewarded with trophies. “The Cups of Awesomeness” was a great success.
Thank you, Mount Vernon, for allowing us to host your event. It’s about COMMUNITY!

Alpha News is a fast-growing news outlet in Minnesota. On April 17th, Alex Kharam graciously invited us to use their studio to shoot our Newsroom video about HHYD. The children were fascinated by the equipment but were very professional. We are looking forward to presenting the final project. Stay tuned!

RSVP for our Spring Business Breakfast
Our annual Spring Business Breakfast fundraiser is coming up quickly on Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 7-9am, once again at the Edina Country Club. The theme is “Changes” and we will get to hear from our Executive Director, Charles Moses.

Church Spotlight

Trinity Lutheran Church of Minnehaha Falls is located in south Minneapolis on the corner of 52nd Street and 40th Avenue South. We proudly celebrated our 100th anniversary in May 2023. Our mission statement: A Community of Good News Proclaiming & Practicing the way of Jesus among our Neighbors & to the Nations. Matt Oxendale serves as Lead Pastor.

Trinity Lutheran Church is grateful to be a church partner of the Christian-based ministry of Hospitality House Youth Development. We have been a partner serving the youth and families in North Minneapolis since 2022. We regularly attend the Annual Fall Banquet, Business Breakfast, and Women’s Luncheon.

“Our congregation has also participated in Christmas with Dignity the last two years,” says Tom Madsen, Trinity’s liaison with Hospitality House, “We’ve also enjoyed providing monthly meals after the Thursday Teen Bible Study.”

Trinity also owns and operates Camp Patmos on the shores of Stony Lake in Hackensack, MN. The Bible camp has been serving youth and adults for Summer Camp, and Fall/Winter/Spring Retreats since 1965. A group of youths from Hospitality House had the opportunity to experience a week at Camp Patmos in 2023 and have been invited to attend again this June.
Would you or someone you know like to work at HHYD?
Did you know Hospitality House is hiring? HHYD is always looking for high-quality candidates to join our team.
We’re currently looking for:
Education Director
If you or anyone you know might be interested, please share this link to the job descriptions:
Site Visits
Interested in a Site Visit? Contact Walter Cox, Development Officer or 612.522.4485
Hospitality House Youth Development is looking for new volunteers. What God-given talent would you like to share?
- Tutor a student in math or reading
- Coach a basketball or baseball team
- Plan events
- Invite a group from your church, company or organization
We would love to hear from you! Call 612.522.4485 or apply online today.
Upcoming Events
May 16, 2024 – Spring Business Breakfast
Summer 2024 – Women’s Luncheon
October 2024 – Annual Fall Banquet
December 13, 2024 – Christmas with Dignity