Hospitality House celebrates Black History month:
Black history is American history

A portrait of the Rev. Robert Hickman created about 1877. Hickman founded the first Baptist church in Minnesota. Born into slavery in 1831, the Rev. Robert Thomas Hickman led fellow slaves on a harrowing river journey to freedom in 1863.
Details of his escape from Missouri to Minnesota remain murky, but various accounts all confirm that Hickman convinced as many as 75 fellow slaves — his self-described “pilgrims” — to board a raft or makeshift boat with him and head up river.
Reports have it that the steamboat Northerner found them adrift and towed them to safety past jeering dockworkers, and a second group of escaped slaves joined them 10 days later. On Nov. 15, 1866, Hickman and his followers formally organized Pilgrim Baptist Church in St. Paul. Two white ministers led the church until 1877, after which Hickman became the congregation’s official minister in 1878. He died on Feb. 6, 1900.
The church, at 732 W. Central Ave., hosts services every Sunday.
Our 11U Minneapolis Park Board League Team is Currently Undefeated
As they head into the playoffs, our boys in purple are undefeated!

Staff & Board Retreat
On January 20-21 HHYD staff, Board Members, and other key stakeholders gathered for a two-day retreat. The purpose of the retreat was to worship and fellowship, and to begin the annual strategic planning process. It was a very productive and enjoyable event. We extend our thanks to the staff at Discover Church in Brooklyn Park for hosting the event.

Blessed Birthday Cakes
A non-profit called For Goodness Cakes blesses our kids with amazing birthday cakes each month. We’ve partnered with them for about a year and our students absolutely love them!

Save the Date: Spring Business Breakfast – MAY 18
Our next fundraiser, the annual Business Breakfast is coming up on Thursday, May 18, 2023.
This year’s guest speaker is Inspector Charles Adams from the Minneapolis Police Department’s 4th Precinct.
And we just got word that we’ll be receiving a Challenge Grant up to $37,000!
Please considering blocking out a couple hours the morning of May 18th to help the youth of Hospitality House.
Please mark your calendars now as well as save and share this Save The Date card with your business networks:

Would you or someone you know like to work at HHYD?
Did you know Hospitality House is hiring? HHYD is always looking for high-quality candidates to join our team.
We’re currently looking for:
Education Director
If you or anyone you know might be interested, please share this link to the job descriptions:
Recent Site Visits
Liberty Diversified International, February 16
Interested in a Site Visit? Contact Walter Cox, Development Officer or 612.522.4485 ext. 19

Hospitality House is looking for new volunteers. Would you like to get involved? Do you or do you belong to a church, company or other organization that would like to learn more? Want to tutor a student in math or reading? Are you good at coaching? Do you like to write or make phone calls? Do you like to help plan events? What is your God given talent you would like to share?
We would love to hear from you! Call 612.522.4485 or apply online today…
Upcoming Events
May 18, 2023 – Business Breakfast
June 2023 – Women’s Luncheon
Fall 2023 – Annual Banquet