Recent E-Newsletters

Gifts Are Needed For Christmas With Dignity

Giving Thanks For Family In keeping with our annual tradition of bringing our youth and their families together during the holidays, the HHYD staff and Board served over 100 guests a meal on November 17th . Even on a snowy night we were able to fellowship, get to know one another, and build community while enjoying great food. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success! Gifts Are Needed For Christmas With Dignity Donors may drop off their new unwrapped gifts Tuesday-Thursday, December 6-8, 2022, at Hospitality House between 9:00am and 4:00pm for our upcoming Christmas With Dignity event on December 9. Teen gifts are the most needed. Gift Ideas We’re also accepting volunteers for the Christmas with Dignity Program. If you want to sign up to be part of CWD on Friday, December 9th and or a shift on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during the week of the event, please contact Board Member Paula Larsen at Giving Tuesday Today is Giving Tuesday. Please join us in helping children and families in North Minneapolis thrive by donating today at! On behalf of the board, staff, students, and families we serve – thank you for your

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Our Fall Banquet 2022 – An Event to Remember! 🎥

Fall Banquet 2022 Recap + Video Jesus said, “Who is my FAMILY… those who do the will of my Father.”Matthew 12:46-48 Family was the theme for this year’s Fall Banquet that brought together many new and familiar supporters to learn more about how we inspire, encourage, and develop the youth of North Minneapolis. Bethel Head Football Coach Steve Johnson shared an inspiring message about his family and being grateful. We honored our youth, ate great food, and enjoyed the blessing of fellowship with our HHYD family. If you were unable to attend our Fall Banquet, you can access the full event here. We are grateful for the 300+ guests who have contributed to HHYD through the Fall Banquet. These critical funds help our academic and athletic programs, community outreach, and further the development of our teen program. We would like to thank all who helped with the event including all who donated to our silent auction, our sponsors, Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom, our Board and Development Committee, and all staff. Teen Program Update At the Kickoff Event on October 10th, we had 24 parents and students attend. Parents seemed very interested in what was offered and wanted to learn how

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Urban Learning Center (ULC) After School Program is in Session

On September 6, HHYD welcomed back the nearly 90 students who are enrolled in our Urban Learning Center program to date and we expect that number to increase over the next few weeks as school bus transportation issues are resolved. The students are excited about learning, and we have several new volunteer tutors who are assisting students with their homework. Donate Now The Summer Spot Results Are In We’ve analyzed the data from our Summer Spot pre and post tests to assess academic progress for the 118 students that were in the program, and they showed an 11% improvement in reading and a 16% improvement in math over the 8 week period. We are so proud of our youth for a job well done! RSVP for Fall Banquet Jesus said, “Who is my FAMILY… those who do the will of my Father.”Matthew 12:46-48 Our Annual Fall Banquet fundraiser is on Sunday evening, October 23, 2022, at the Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom in Golden Valley. Good news to double your gift, we have a challenge grant of $34,000 available for all new donors and all donations over $600. This year’s guest speaker is Bethel University’s Football Head Coach Steve Johnson and

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Summer Spot, A HUGE Success!

Summer Spot Summer School Greatness This year 112 students were enrolled in our Summer Spot summer school program. In addition to making academic progress, our students had an opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities including cooking, swimming, fishing, rocket building, pickleball, and field trips to Sea Quest. It was a busy, fun-filled summer! VIEW FULL PHOTO GALLERY Chad Greenway Camp – Summer School Former Minnesota Viking Chad Greenway again hosted a football camp at Hutchinson High School on Friday, July 29. A busload of HHYD kids attended the camp to learn a variety of football skills including catching, kicking, passing, and running. They also learned teamwork and sportsmanship, while having the opportunity to meet other kids from around the state. Upon their return to HHYD they were treated to a meal from Starland Charities who also donated school supplies. We are so grateful for these partnerships and we look forward to participating again next summer. Dunwoody College Visit – Teen Program HHYD teens visited Dunwoody College of Technology‘s School of Design to learn more about the projects, machines, and activities that their students are involved with, as our teens begin to think about life beyond high school. We appreciate

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Summer Spot In Full Swing

We have over 100 students enrolled in our Summer Spot program that focuses on Academics in the morning and fun activities in the afternoon. View Full Photo Gallery ABOUT THE WOMEN’S LUNCHEON The fourth annual Women’s Luncheon was held June 29th at the Minikahda Club. We had 68 women plus 10 young girls attend this year. Guests were treated to a wonderful meal and heard an inspiring message from Annette Bittner. Annette is an alumna and 1991 Young Woman of the Year. She is also a singer, song writer, and artist. She currently serves as the Teen Program Director at HHYD. She talked about trusting the process. God brings different situations into our lives where we can choose to go through it or abandon it. When we allow God to prune us, it helps us mature. Like a plant being replanted in new soil, we have the opportunity for more growth. To date over $34,000 was raised during this event, exceeding the goal of $25,000. We are grateful to God, and everyone who attended. We are looking forward to hosting the event again next year. EMPLOYEE HIGHLIGHT Hi I’m Maddie Nimmo! I grew up in Somerset, Wisconsin and I currently

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Summer is Here at Hospitality House

Jeremiah 32:17“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!” June 21st marked the start of our ULC Summer Spot Program. We look forward to experiencing the great things God is doing in the lives of our youth. BUILDING BRIDGES THROUGH BASKETBALL On June 3rd HHYD Youth and Minneapolis Police participated in our annual basketball skills competition event to help build community. There were games, music, prizes, and food. HHYD’s partner RBC Wealth Management helped sponsor the event and everyone had a great time. Watch video highlights from the event: RSVP FOR THE WOMEN’S LUNCHEON Our Annual Women’s Luncheon theme is Hope. “Rejoice in your hope, be patient in affliction, be constant in prayer.”Romans 12:12 The date is set for next Wednesday, June 29 at The Minikahda Club featuring guest speaker Annette Bittner. EMPLOYEE HIGHLIGHT Hospitality House welcomes recent graduate David Flores Grajeda! David is the Eight Grade teacher and he also works in the Teen Program. He was raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and he now resides in South Minneapolis. Interestingly, his parents are from Guatemala so David and his sister are the first generation

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Watch the Business Breakfast Replay

HOPE“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him…”Romans 15:13 We had a wonderful time at the Edina Country Club for our annual spring breakfast on Thursday May 19th. The theme of our event was Hope. Over 220 folks attended! The weather, the guests, and the program were all great. We announced the Young Man and Woman of the year and acknowledged our teen summer staff. Our guest speaker Chad Greenway did an excellent job of sharing how important community and family support is in caring for the youth today. Mike Max did a nice job standing in as our EMCEE. To date we have collected over $130,000 in donations, well on our way to our $175,000 goal. Thank you to all who attended and gave so generously. Donate Now If you would like to view the entire program, check out this video: RSVP FOR THE WOMEN’S LUNCHEON Our Annual Women’s Luncheon theme is Hope. “Rejoice in your hope, be patient in affliction, be constant in prayer.”Romans 12:12 The date is set for Wednesday, June 29 at The Minikahda Club featuring guest speaker Annette Bittner. RECENT SITE VISITS Representatives from the Beim

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Christ Has Risen

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where He lay.”Matthew 28:5-6 (ESV) WIZEDUCATORS AND HOSPITALITY HOUSE FUNDRAISER On Saturday, April 2 a group from Hospitality House which included Rev. Hunter, Annette Bittner and some teens participated in the Shining Lights Fundraising Event. The event included making sandwiches for Mr. Law “The Sandwich Man” to personally pass out in Minneapolis over the remainder of the weekend to people in need. A total of 1,200 sandwiches were made! In conjunction the event also raised money for Hospitality House and Edina Give and Go. We are excited to have a new community partner in WizEducators! A fun morning was had by all! Please watch the video recap compliments of WizEducators. TEENS VISIT BETHEL UNIVERSITY On Monday, April 4, during Spring Break, we took a group of middle school students and one high school student to Bethel University. Our day included a tour of the campus, Chapel, lunch and a presentation from an admissions counselor. The group from HHYD was treated well and blessed to

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March Madness at Hospitality House

This year Hospitality House had three basketball teams that consisted of an 8U, 13U, and 14U for a total of 30 players. The 8U team had three girls! The coaches were Mr. Chris, Mr. Vic, Mr. Payton, Miss Dory, and of course Rev. Hunter. Breaking News: on March 16, our 14U team won the Minneapolis Park Board Championship! Volunteer to Coach TEENS VISIT NORTH CENTRAL UNIVERSITY The Teen Program took seven middle and two high school students on a college visit to North Central University on Monday, February 21. The day started with a welcome reception which included food and goodie bags, a brief word from the President. Then there was a campus tour, chapel, lunch, and an admissions presentation. The students enjoyed themselves and one student said, “I think I am falling in love with this school!” Wow, this is pretty amazing to hear from a 7th grader. We want students to see the value in attending a Christian college and weigh their options as they also explore Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). What is more important is exposing our students early to the possibility of attending college after graduation. The longer students wait to think about their

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